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Our Sustainability Policy

Here at Forge and Foundry, we are adamant that the products we design and source must be durable and built to last.

We believe it is our responsibility to ensure our items stand the test of time, and do not require replacing or throwing away due to limited life cycles. There is no need for any of our items to end up in landfills, which are a major source of pollution due to the toxins, leachate and greenhouse gases they produce.

The strength and integrity of our products lies at the core of our sustainability policy. As part of our on-going efforts, we constantly review the environmental impact of our operations.

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Shredded Cardboard

Our aim is to eventually remove all polystyrene from our packaging materials and replace with eco-friendly solutions such as recycled cardboard, which we have recently begun to source from the local area.

Our purchase of a cardboard shredding machine has been invaluable, as it means we can use the shredded materials as void fill and protective wrap when shipping for a wide variety of our products.

We continue to research ways to further improve our footprint on the planet, whilst continuing to bring you beautifully crafted, durable home and garden wares.


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